It's been a month and a half of your precious life...just fleeting me by in the land of blog. I'm so sorry darling. You seriously deserve like 3 posts per day because I know I could fill it with many of the incredible things that you do and say. Like I could detail all the new songs you have been making up (for example, Mary had a little lamb could alternately be "Mary had a little shoe" or "little penguin" according to you.) You love to sing and love making up songs. And dancing. We've been dancing at night with Dad all three of us holding hands and looking down at your happy little face is the greatest.
Speaking of Dad, you are at that absolutely adorable stage where you shriek in delight at the thought of him coming home! If Maddie barks you say "Is Daddy home?" with anticipation. When I tell you not yet you say "let's go check, just in case" because you are so excited to see him.
You've found your zen lately as a builder. Lego Duplo has come to our rescue and seriously entertains you for ages. Together we build towers and houses and cars and robots. Oh, and Mr. Potato Heads too. You love building those and making silly faces. Each time you build something you say "I build the best one Daddy's ever seen!!" and when he comes home you usher him to your playroom saying every night "Daddy, I show you something special....Ta Da!!!!" Ah, it doesn't get sweeter.
Here are a few photos from the last month. Hmm...did I miss Christmakah all together? Yikes~! I've had a lot on my plate with work and all. The holidays were low key and lovely. You got a train table for Channukah and lots of other fun things for the holidays. Most importantly we spent it all together as a family and that's what it's all about. Love you. .JPG)