06 December 2007

On the Third Night of Chanukah my Doggie Gave to me....

A blue car to take on a road trip baby! I took you to the play area at the mall today for the first time. It took you about 20 minutes to warm up to the idea and not be afraid of the other kids playing. You ended up LOVING playing in the blue 'Car-car'. You are car obsessed and when we drive anywhere you point out the windows saying 'car-car!!' over and over again! I remember about a month ago seeing your buddy Abby playing in a car at Chuck E Cheese and thinking "Finley's never going to be able to sit in a play car for 5 minutes and just move the steering wheel back and forth!" but sure enough, that's what you did today! You are either eerily like Abby or all little girls are as amazing as the two of you!