26 January 2008

Coming out of your shell

It's baby steps but we keep taking them, and I love it. The past few days we've been keeping busy and exposing you to new things, new people, and groups. The other day we went to the kids museum again and although while we were inside you wanted to stay up with me, when we went outside you opened up to making piles of balls again and walking well away from me to get them.

This morning we went to our new music class and although you had a tendency to sit in my lap most of the time, you did have some fabulous break out moments where you grooved to the music, hopped to the drum beat and swayed with the guitar. You danced with the silk scarves too and gave Benjamin some shakes. It was very sweet. I love to see you dance, it makes me grin. You've got the funniest moves and it always makes me laugh. (Just like your Dad's dancing...shhhh, don't tell him I said that, but you'll see when you're old enough to dance with him. I can already hear that "Daaaad! Stoooop, my friends are watching us!" in the preteen years :)

Sorry Honey (as in husband here-if you are reading this)- I love you, and your dancing, but that time will come. So will the "Mooooom, stop licking your finger and cleaning my face!" and so many other things I can already picture, and remember from my own youth...including the ever so annoying trying on a skirt in a store and coming out of the dressing room and Mother decides it's time to tuck in your shirt and does it by lifting your skirt up in front of everyone! Seriously Finley, if I ever do that, you have my permission to scold me or worse. I promise to you I will never do that, and now we have the materials to prove that I not only won't, but can't!! I don't want to take a scolding from my future 12 year old. But once again, I digress....


Jamie said...

Go Miss Independent!! Yay for Finley!!! :)

Unknown said...

No offense taken. I am a fabulous dancer and if I am the only person who can appreciate interpretive dance, so be it.