Painting and coloring are becoming a favorite pastime. Every morning you ask if we can paint. We started a few nights ago painting in the backyard and you really got into it, though you seem to like painting your body more than the paper!! So we try to reserve the activity until just before bath time, and you can see why by this picture! But every morning you ask me to paint, and I tell you that when Daddy comes home we will. I am really excited that you are enjoying this and hope you really get into art! Just like Mummy! :)
In fact, for your birthday I am buying you an easel so that we can get even more into doing artsy things. I want art to be something you know about and are inspired to do and create. You know, I never knew that I was into art until I actually decided to go into art school. It kind of just popped up on me and surprised me. But my mum, your Nana, said that at age 4 or 5 when I went to nursery I was drawing houses, with paths, and flowers and people. And all the other kids were supposedly still drawing lines and abstract works. Pretty funny since I turned out to be an abstract artist! But regardless I just want you to get into it and enjoy it and creative expression.
In the meantime Dad asked if your composition is good and if we can start eBaying your work in a few years to make millions! Ha!! I certainly think your composition is good, but then again you can smear peas and corn across your face and I would think you did a brilliant job at color mixing. Yup, I'm that blinded by love.
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