I can't exactly call it a vacation, since there was little rest and relaxation, which is what is usually associated with vacations! But we sure had a great time! We went to Tacoma to see your Mimi and Grand Daddy Sam and family, and then to Vancouver, BC to a wedding and my friends and your Doda Talia!
You had a great time, even though the day before we left we spent the afternoon at the hospital ER for your wickedly huge split lip! Oh, and then while in Vancouver you took another big fall and fell on your chin into a metal ladder. Ouch. But amidst the scrapes, bruises (and splinters from playing hours on end at Mimi's dock) you had a terrific time!
We had many firsts, including the first time ever you slept in a bed with us (let's just say it was a bit of a achallnge for all involved but Daddy!), and the first time you stayed up until 10:30 pm, oh, and the first time you stayed up until 1:00 am! Ha, that was DEFINITELY a first! Plus the first time you went three consecutive days without napping. And the first time you insisted on wearing sunglasses! The list goes on an on. A vacation full of firsts that I am a bit tired to remember it all right now but I'll try to add pictures of our week all this week and snippets and stories. In the meantime hereis a sweet picture taken a Point Defiance Zoo..JPG)
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