I have been busier than usual lately, but that's because I am starting a new business. I wonder if you're older and reading this you'll know the business and everything about it, because it became super successful and wildly influential...or maybe you'll say "you did what?" because it was just barely a blip on the radar. I hope the former but this isn't the place for me to talk about business, unless the business of raising my little girl!
Well, you've been a busy little girl too. We've been seeing your friends lots, and we went to Santa Monica and LA for a few days to see all your family from New Zealand and you got to meet cousin Asher. You haven't stopped talking about him since! And Uncle Grant and David, and Auntie Britt. And Uncle Jack & Auntie Maureen too! All the NZ family was on a layover in LA so we went to meet them for two days. I am so happy you got to meet more of your family.
We also had your 2 year well visit. You are 29 pounds and 35 inches tall! That's nearly 3 feet! Everything looks great and your doctor was very impressed with your vocabulary, especially when she took out her stethoscope and placed it on you and you said "heart beat". Smarty pants. :)
We talked about your anxiety with the doctor. You have a lot of fear of new people, anxiety over crowded places, loud noises or unexpected noises (we don't ever think of handing you a doll that has any form of noise/electronic voice or whatever!). You get really scared and your shoulders raise all the way up practically past your ears and your hands shake in front of you said "no! no!" Dr. Go said that about 30% of kids your age have some form of anxiety and that though yours may be a higher level we have to keep doing what we are doing...which is exposing you to things in these situations and setting you up to anticipate them. We're working on it! But we're lucky we have super understanding friends who are always careful about handing you the right type of doll!! :)
Oh, we also discovered I can fit in your crib! This is a new thing you like for us to do after every nap. You get me in there with all your dollies and play. I love it! You also taught yourself how to put on pants this week. Though you were already wearing a pair of shorts at the time but...whatever! :)
Well, that's our highlight. I won't promise yet that I'll be writing more, but please know that I will try. I do want you to have all these memories one day.


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