You know how whenever someone send an email with a video they say "make sure to turn the volume up"? Well for this video, make sure the volume is not set too high! You will quickly see why. I think Ryan's ears may still be ringing today!!
This little video was taken last night. You, my dear Finley, helped mummy throw a sweet little birthday dinner for Emily. Amber cooked the entire meal (now THAT is the way to throw a dinner party- have your friends cook everything!) and you three girls were so sweet together. I set up a 'kiddie' table for you guys and we attempted an adult meal. Attempted is the key word :).JPG) it got later into the evening you & Abby ended up being your nutty selves as sweet Mia watched and wondered how she wound up with such kooky buddies ;-)
You guys had fun, and so did we, so a good night was had by all. Happy Birthday Emily!
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