13 November 2007

Where does this go?

You've started to become more and more curious about daily household activities that before went completely unnoticed. I think you always thought your sippy cups always came full with milk in them, but now you understand that milk is kept in the fridge (what you call 'Brrrr' for cold). One day I guess we'll have to explain that milk actually comes from cows (known as 'Mmmooooo'). That one should be interesting.

Today you also let Daddy vacuum the house for the first time without screaming in fear at the vacuum! You've had a fear of it for many months now. I kept you distracted by playing on your swing and watching music on TV.

We unloaded the dishwasher together this morning. I can't say you were much of a helping hand but it's nice to see you curious about things beyond your playroom! You do know how to wipe up milk spills with a rag but you prefer to swirl it around with your fingers instead and rub it in rather than clean it up. That's ok, there's plenty of time to learn how to clean. In fact, if you ask you daddy I am still learning!!

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! I'm still working on getting Abby over her fear of the vacuum. Maybe if I brought it out more often. :)