07 January 2008

Knock Knock. Who's There? Who knows, but It's funny!!!

You and Abby were an absolute riot! I must have shot 40 photos of the two of you chatting away on an El Paseo bench. Abby was telling you stories and there was one joke that had you roaring in laughter! At least Emily & I perceived it to be a joke. You ladies were having a fun fun time! I could have stayed and watched the two of you chat like old ladies on a bench for hours.

But no, there were stroller races to be had! Sorry babe, but you got the heavy stroller and it weighed you down so Abby was the clear stroller race winner. Her prize? Getting a chariot like stroller ride by her fine opponent...you!

I can just tell when I watch the two of you play how much you like one another and enjoy each other's company. The way Abby loves to share her food with you, and likes to feed you all the time. Or the way you let her take your rocks from your pile and not argue. And the way you smile when you hear her name, and blow her kisses or say Bye-Bye when we leave. It's a good thing to have such a good friendship.