We started taking Music Classes! Since you love to dance and groove at home I thought this might be something fun for us to do on Saturdays while Dad is working. The good thing about this class is you can sit on my lap the whole time and it doesn't feel like we are throwing away our money like it did when we went to My Gym (because sitting on my lap at My Gym is counter productive to the class experience, whereas in this class it's set up that way). So far you seem to like it!
The demo class we went to I thought was totally lame and was not prepared to sit through an hour of it once a week...we were even told not to talk like normal people in class to one another but use our "Siiiingiiing voiiiiices" (sounds like a cult when you are there!!). But throughout the class you seemed to feel comfortable and relaxed. The teacher plays guitar and we sing fun songs, and she brings out silk scarves that we dance with, or a big bucket full of instruments that you get to bang and clang on. All in all pretty fun stuff. The hour goes by super fast and we leave happy.
You always reenact the class a few hours or days later by telling me "GOL!" (meaning 'girl') and then you start to sway, clap, and dance. That is how you reenact music class. Sometimes you also point to yourself and say "Ninley" (for Finley) and then point to me and say "Mama" (that one's obvious, no translation needed) and then you go into the swaying routine again. Meaning we were both there and we both clapped and danced. It's so funny. You only reenact good things. (Oy, we've been reliving Chuck E Cheese for 3 days now with your fine reenactments!! It's actually the same routine but instead of saying "GOL!" you say "MACK" for mouse, and sign mouse at the same time). Actually, sometimes you will reenact a fall by saying "Bonk" and bumping your head on whatever it is you bumped on.
You would make a terrific baby witness or TV dramatization baby actress in your reenacting abilities! I wonder if there is a market for that.....? :)
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