04 February 2008

Well my oh my, it's not a Choking Hazard!

I remember when you got these Little People. You got it from Grandaddy Sam for your first birthday. I was terrified. Could you get one of these little gals in your mouth and choke?? Dad even named the ladies. There is Mrs. Johanssen (who is in your left hand), The Pilot (yes, that's her name, and that is her in your mouth) and the third lady, the touristy looking one carrying a cell phone, whose name escapes me at the moment.

Well, turns out they are NOT a choking hazard, as you so deftly proved to me the other day. Why thank you for putting my mind to rest finally.

I recall wondering when you would really 'play' with these Little People. At first all you liked to do was chew on them and hold them. You love to hold things. Especially in your stroller. You don't like your hands empty, it's kind of interesting.

Then you progressed to taking the Little People out of the airplane, and then back in. That was oodles of fun. So was the stage when you would set them out on your rug and marvel at them in the center of each flower.

Now, nearly 8 months later, you actually play the way they are intended. Well, almost. You 'walk' the ladies to the plane (by bouncing them up and down on the ground) and you open the door and shove them in head first. Then you pick up the plane and hand it to me to fly it, or you roll it along the ground. What a concept!

Soon enough, they will all have voices and personalities.

I know it seems pretty banal to discuss the use of Little People, but it actually is so very interesting to me to see how a simple toy like this has evolved with your newfound skills. One day you'll read this and be like "Mum, are you seriously dedicating an entire blog entry to the Little People??" Yup Finley, I find the banal. when it comes to you, so very interesting.