And although I haven't been writing much, that's not to say you haven't been impacting me in so many amazing ways. Sometimes I am so overcome with love for you, I just have to look around to see where it snuck up on me from. Other times, well, to put it lightly, I could certainly use a break. But overall I realize just how lucky we are. I mean, how lucky are we to spend the days together? And have precious friends? And a husband/father who adores us? We have some serious fun together, and life should be about fun.
I've been reading a book about a man whose life has been beyond trying, from childhood through adolescence and early adulthood. He never had love in his life and never knew what a true family is 'supposed' to feel like. He is turning his life around at the part of the book I'm reading, and although I haven't made it past his twenties yet, I hope he turns out OK. Life is simply too short to not make it sweet. You sweeten my every day and my every night.
So needless to say, it's been a fun week. Filled with big stuff like zoo time, park time, shopping mall playtown time, friends time, outdoor fairs time, and the best, some rare snuggle time. Now those fleeting moments are precious. But it's all about the little stuff. Like how you remember the names of the cats in your silly cat book (and I really don't like cats!), or how you learned to (kind of) say the number thirteen this week, or how you love to bite the end of your Kiwi doll's nose and how you stand on the scale and it reads E for error and you joyfully yell "E!!!" How in the world will I remember all the amazing little stuff................
Here are some snapshots of our week my little monkey.

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