Wow wow wow. You are now officially two. Wow. I feel like that's all I can say. I mean, we have just had so much fun with you over the last 2 years and we've learned so much and we've become these people that we wouldn't actually know only two years ago. Wow. Wow.
Well, it was a wonderful day. We had a fabulous art themed birthday party for you. We kept it super small since you really hate crowds and only your best 7 buds were there. We sure are lucky to have such great seven buds, let me tell you. They are such great kids and their mommies are people I just couldn't live without. I feel fortunate every day to have them in our lives.
We had a lot of fun and you were just a spunky fireball today. You were completely obsessed with opening gifts and kept saying "one more! one more!" over and over after each gift was opened. And did you ever receive some of the most amazing gifts ever!! I can't even begin to tell you how touched I was to know that our friends love and care for us so much to think about us and make such special things for us. In your adorable little "Cackeee" voice (Finley speak for "Thank you") that's all I could barely utter today I was so amazed. We sure are loved, and it sure feels good!
Anyhow, back to you!! You enjoyed the festivities and even had your first taste of cake (Sans icing! Sorry baby!! I promise that on your third birthday you'll get cake AND icing!! ;-). You seemed to like it but you did seem more excited by the prospect of eating a cracker even more! We munched on fruits and veggies, and you must have had like 5 crackers. The sugar and carbs had you on full speed energy until 2pm, at which time your last guest left and you crashed!!! You insisted you wanted to keep playing but your eyes told me "put me to bed, NOW!" :) I did and you fell fast asleep.
It was a beautiful day with you, and though the evening wasn't quite as easy (you still seemed hopped up on sugar or something and very moody!) it was still a super special day. I remember after putting you down for nap your dad and I started cleaning up and I looked at the clock and it was 3pm on the nose. the moment you were born, 2 years ago. I told Daddy and we hugged and were just so amazed to be where we are today, and how lucky we are to have a superstar like you in our midst.
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