Because I guess you are officially on the potty train. Choo Choo baby! It's been a little over a week that you actively started using your potty and today we hit the 'piece de resistance' milestone. It was a beautiful moment.
To backtrack a little, we've been doing potty training by you simply sitting on the potty before we leave the house, and before naps and bedtime. You've been wearing just your underwear at home, and diapers during sleep time and outside of the house time. It's been working great (you pee 95% of the times you try), but you hadn't really expressed a need to use the potty on your own volition, as opposed to me just telling you when to use it, and use it you did!
You did a great job and of course it helped that every successful trip got a sticker for your hand, another for your potty (which now has 34 stickers on it!) and a small dollar store gift.
Well, today we were at an event at the library, and you said to me "pee pee potty mummy" and I kind of looked around not knowing what to do! We had never tried in a public restroom before! Well, good thing I had you in a dress (that's all you are wearing from now on baby!!) because we went there, I put you on the potty, and it was a success!! We did the potty dance and got a sticker for you and man, I was so proud of you!! You knew, even though you were in diapers, to stop what we were doing and take care of business!
I have no idea if this will all keep happening, or if it will be over in a week, but I have to say I am totally proud and impressed, since a little over week ago you wouldn't even sit on the thing. :)
We are traveling all next week so hopefully that doesn't ruin things...but I must say you are my little super star once again. Thanks sweet 'pee'. Oh man, I'm soooo lame!! :)