12 January 2008

Mom's Night Out

I know this blog is supposed to be about you, not me (heaven forbid that I think of myself first!) but today I also wanted to post about some of my friends. And I guess that without you, I wouldn't have these friends...so there you go, this post technically is all about you. ;)

Regardless, the other night a few of my "Mommy" friends and I got together to bid adieu to our friend Megan who is moving to another state. I had such a nice time having dinner and being out after dark with such a wonderful group of women. I feel so lucky to have not only met women who are also mothers to young children like me (it's actually eerie how all of our kids are at most 3 months apart) so that we all can relate to what the other is going through, but they are all women that I've grown to love and have wonderful friendships with.

Amazingly, it's not always about the kids! It's also about us, and how we feel, as parents, or as people. It's about support, and trust, and help, and respect. And sometimes it's about politics, or religion, or husbands, or fashion. Mostly what it's about is real friendships. I am so lucky to have them, in a place and time in my life when I really didn't expect to have them. I figured moving to a new city with a new baby will be impossible to make new friends. I am so happy to be wrong on that front. I don't know what I would do without them.

And one day you too will have girlfriends, and true friendships. It would be so neat if it were with the children of these women :) But with whomever it is with, cherish your friendships and be good to them, and they will be good to you to.


Jamie said...

Awww......I am so bummed that I missed out! You girls are so bee-u-tiful! :)

Michelle Constantinescu said...

What a nice way to write your blog! I love that it's written directly to your daughter. What a gift for her someday to read it!