15 January 2008

So nothing's wrong?

Apparently not. Here I was thinking something is wrong with you. Teething? Interrupted naps? ADD???? Bi-Polar Disorder???? You know how a mother's mind can go just about anywhere.... You're fussy, you say NO all the time, you throw fits, you have incredible mood swings from ecstatic to angry within a split second, you are clingy, you have no attention span. Well the list goes on! So I talk to my wonderful friend Emily who's daughter Abby is 3 months older than you. She looks me in the eye as I say "Do you think something is wrong with her???" and says "What you've got here Shari, is a TODDLER!"


Eureka! It's true. Today you threw a fit when I tried to put on your shoes. The shoes you barely wanted to take off all week long. You even wore them with your footed jammies a few days ago! This morning it was a screaming fit as soon as you saw them. I ended up strapping you into the car seat and then putting the shoes on, as it was the only way!! Hmm...it didn't sound all that familiar, since I was blinded by your 'toddlerhood'....but Emily reminded my how, hmm, 3 months ago Abby did the SAME thing. Oooooohhhhh...now I remember!

So happy to hear nothing is wrong. Now tell me, is there an easy cure for Toddlerhood? :)


info@thebabymarketplace.com said...

Yep, sounds normal to me!



Shari said...

It's amazing to think that "normal" is THIS. Tikes, I'm scared to see what "abnormal" is!

Qtpies7 said...

Yep, have another one and you will be a totally different parent! This is all part of the course, and it doesn't get better, just a different level of madness.

Shari said...

No thank you, no need for more madness in my life! This family will more than likely remain "Finley makes Three" :).