You really know that place because as soon as we park the car you say "Animals!!" It's amazing how your memory is. In fact, we went to the doctor this week (you hadn't been there in 2 and a half months) and to be quite honest I don't think we told you we were going there. It was evening time, and dark. But as soon as we parked the car and I came to get you from your carseat you said and signed "Fish!!" Indeed there is a giant fish tank in the waiting room, and you somehow remembered that...so many months later.
Anyhow, our trip to the zoo was fun. You seem pretty into the train, which I think is super cool. And also the water table/play area. You played there a looong time and got completely drenched! You just love your water...
We went to the petting zoo too this time and although you were attached to me 99% of the time, with a bit of fear in your eyes...you did manage to pose real nice with this one goat. Although truth be told the second after I took the shot you ran at me yelling "UP!!!"
That's ok, at least we got the shot. When we look back at the photos in 50 years my failing and senile memory will tell you "Oh Finley, how you loved that goat! You couldn't stop petting him and brushing his hair!" ;-) Let this blog be proof and truth about our trip to the petting zoo. 

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