To put rocks in a mailbox! There are so many USPS laws, aren't there?!! Wait, maybe writing about putting rocks in a mailbox is illegal?? But that's been your number one all time favorite thing to do these days. The weather's been cool so we stroll around the hood and you always insist we walk to the mailbox, where you proceed to open and close the parcel box about a hundred times. You announce "open....close!" over and over in the funniest, cheekiest little voice! So funny! Then you collect little rocks (the small ones you call 'baby rock') and put them in, take them out, then put them in again. This could last anywhere from 15 minute to 45! Pretty hilarious. You get such a kick out of it, I love it.
Our neighbors Dave and Rob came to see your busy bee ways and found it so cute. You showed off a ton for them and started jumping off the curb into my arms repeatedly. I must admit I was worried about a broken skull but we all survived the acrobatics! It's a shame the weather is turning hot again...we won't be able to visit the mailbox when it's 100 degrees out :( We'll have to actually try and be entertained by all the ridiculously expensive toys we buy for you instead. What a novel concept!!
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