Well, the interest in your blankets has reached a new level of game playing. You now like me to tie them on you and then stare at yourself in the mirror. Pretty cute!
29 March 2008
Toga Party!
27 March 2008
Yup, we're sick again! :(
What is going on!!!?? It's the never ending "winter" bug (funny since it's 90 degrees out!). But even though the heat you have been pulling all your blankets out of your bottom drawer, dragging them to the sofa, piling them up and then attempting to climb up (you still can't quite climb it alone. Actually, I take that back. Today you were really peeved at me and you ran away from me to the sofa and you miraculously climbed onto it without my help. But when I am around you insist I help and sob if I don't and struggle to get your knee up. Silly girl!).
Anyhow, I got off topic. You've been gathering your blankies, getting on the sofa, begging for Hi 5 or dare I admit Elmo, and snuggling into the blankies and hunkering in.
Normally I would try and divert your attention and get you playing outside or on a playdate, but to be quite frank, I am sick as a dog too and can't be bothered to do much of anything to entertain you! So let the nice kids at Hi 5 do it for a few days. I don't think it will harm your chances of getting into Harvard one day ;-)
24 March 2008
What a fun weekend!

21 March 2008
Ok, I'm back!
Hopefully on a more regular basis. So so...how shall we sum up the month of March? Well, in one word: BUSY! You are 21 months old, and very much looking older than your years (or do I say months!). It amazes me to see, especially in the last few weeks how much you've changed.
Oh the Jewish Guilt!!
I feel terrible for not writing in so long! So much is going on and every day has been so busy! I promise to try and catch us up at nap time so that later in life you aren't wondering if you disappeared off the face of the earth for the month of March 2008. You didn't :)
You are as delicious and wonderful as ever, and throw in a temper tantrum or two and we've got the complete picture. Plus minor dental surgery for Mama, 2nd birthday parties, wave of fatigue, out of town guests, and that's March in a nutshell! Oh yeah, plus my new sewing obsession! Here you are in the dress I made you!
Love you...will write more later...
14 March 2008
Now....where were we???
Ugh, it's been two weeks since I've written, and there really is no way to catch up on two whole weeks in the life of a toddler. Two weeks toddler life is like two years in an adult's life, I mean, you change so much daily!