30 September 2008
SO much to catch up on! Post #3
It was Dad's birthday this week and you were very excited to give him your handmade card! When Daddy saw it he said "Finley! Did you make this?" and you looked at him and said "Yeah, Mummy make it." Honey, that was supposed to be between us! ;-)
But we had a lovely day...pancakes for breakfast and then a trip out to the bookstore where we hung out reading books. You love books so bookstores are always a hit with you!
Since it was Dad's birthday I asked you if you wanted to wear your party dress! Oh yes you did!! You ask me quite often to wear this dress and this silly mum always says 'no honey, it's too fancy to wear to walmart!' but that's silly right there. You should wear it before you grow out of it...which you soon will at the rate you are growing!
So you were so pleased to wear your party dress and a big "oooohhhhh" came from you when you saw your reflection all dressed up. Oh you are such a girlie girl!
29 September 2008
So much to catch up on! Post #2
How cute are you in pigtails? :) It's been forever since you let me put 'piggies' in your hair! But you finally relented for a moment (I think you were captivated by Dora on tv or something when I put them in!). I haven't been able to get new ones in since!
SO much to catch up on! Post #1
Maybe to make this easier I'll make it into separate posts...going from a few weeks ago to now. This way when you are older and reading this you won't be over loaded with my ramblings....
Let's start with this:
This was the scene the night we launched Happy Chickadee. I know I haven't mentioned it much on this blog, since it is a blog dedicated to you, and not my business ventures. But this too is becoming a big thing in my life and I want you to know about it. And also be inspired by it. Women can wear so many hats, and lucky for me I can multi task and be your mother and a work at home mom! I hope you achieve whatever your dreams are sweet girl.
Anyhow, we launched our website on a Wednesday night, Sept 17. Moments after we launched your daddy called me into the living room. The above was what I saw. Cake and cookies and candles to celebrate the launch of a new business (yes, inspired by you too! See you are always behind everything I do!). How sweet is your daddy? Super sweet :)
So you kind of have an idea that I work, because you now can say "mummy working", "happy chickadee" and "mummy office". Though I am not sure you quite understand what working/Happy Chickadee means, but that's ok! I think I like keeping business and pleasure separate too :)
There's post #1. I will attempt more today to catch up on September. But perhaps now you'll understand why I was so busy in September 2008 and barely took any pictures of you or blogged about you. You've got a lifetime kid. ;-)
15 September 2008
A little bit of mama...a little bit of dada...
Someone pointed out to me how comfortable you look with a golf club or paintbrush in hand! Wow, I totally didn't notice it before but now I do! It's funny since your dad and I have never been able to pinpoint who you look like, either he or me. People sometimes say you look like Dad, or me, but we still can't see it. Then some people say you are a perfect blend of the two of us. Nope, can't see that either. BUT, now we can see you take after a little bit of each of us in your personality.
Daddy, as you will one day find out, is an accomplished golfer (he in fact shot 61 in a tournament today) and played professionally for many years travelling the world and competing. Just before he & I met he stopped playing professionally and went amateur again (I hope I am using the right terms. I am pretty dense when it comes to this stuff!). Dad will tell you more when you are older! Anyhow, I hope you enjoy golf because it can be such a fun way for you guys to spend time together and enjoy the great outdoors! I love golf, although am not very good, nor do I actually know how to play...but I do love it anyhow. So by the looks of you and your little involvement with golf so far...I think you will be a natural!
Then it seems you love to paint too. As you will also come to learn, Mummy is the artist in the family and while I never painted for a living (though have sold some pieces) art was definitely my living for a long time. I would love for you to enjoy art and creating so when I watch you paint my heart flutters for a moment and I hope that it's another connection that you & I will have.
So while you may not look like either of us per se, you certainly have some of our best traits. And that my dear, is wonderful.
10 September 2008
A Great Day at the Kids Museum, Cowboy!!
Yesterday morning you woke up and I had no idea what we should do for the day...temps are still in the 100s! So I gave you two choices, I said The Library and paused (to which you didn't react) and then The Kids Museum, to which you immediately smiled and said "KIDS MUSEUM!".
Perfect! Away we went and let me tell you, we had a blast! You tend to shy away from lots of things at the museum because they frighten you or other kids are around...but you really loved it yesterday! It helps that school is back in session, and it was a Tuesday so there were very few people there. We had fun for about 2 hours there and I had to drag you home for lunch!
We then had some artsy moments where you painted the car. I love watching you paint and can't wait for the weather to cool down so that we can paint in the backyard again.
So a fun day was had and I am thinking we may make it a little ritual again and go every week (on a school day!).
Thanks for a great day!!
04 September 2008
We're back from Vacation!
Though I am not positive that will help much with my blogging hiatus! I'm trying Finley, I'm trying!
We had an incredible time in Jackson, seeing friends and gorgeous scenery and spending time with Bubbie and Zaide. You loved being there and I'm not surprised! The weather was gorgeous and we got to play outside everyday, and go on our friend's boat amidst the stunning Tetons, hang out with tons of dogs (Maddie's old play buddies!) and all my friends' new kids!
You did a lot of surprising little things over the vacation that your dad and I just looked at each other wondering if you were our kid! :) Like your sudden love for ride on toys (which did not return to you upon your arrival back in CA and your 'wheely bug' still remains lonely and dusty), as well as your sudden love of tents and tunnels, and not to mention your love of going to bed late and sleeping in even later! We were pretty much on the 10pm-10am schedule in Jackson! Yeehaw them cowboys say, eh? (which is how a Canadian says it I guess ;-)
We had a great time and unfortunately it was only dampened by the bug you caught on your last day which later decided to rear it's ugly head in the form of projectile pukefest 2008 on the flight landing in Palm Springs. Yup, it was messy, ugly and extremely nerve wracking, but we took care of you and each other and everyone came out alive though slightly messy and smelly! Ugh!
So the last week you've been a bit out of sorts and I don't know if it's the bug, or the settling back in, or the you being two part, but the tantrums and crying fits we've seen this week are like none I've ever seen from you before! We're trying to figure it out...feel free to make suggestions as this very well may be a cry for help!
But the good news this week...well you are my dear a potty champ! at 26 months old we've eliminated diapers from all waking hours and only use them at naps and nights. Even better news? You don't even need hem 80% of the time! You look at me in the morning all proud and exclaim "DRY!" referring to your diaper! And yes indeed, 3 days in a row, it's been dry after you being in bed 12+ hours! And naptimes been no different with a majority of the time being dry after about 4 hours! You got it baby, you got it!! :)
But I fear cheering is premature cause we still have a long way to go I think! But what a great step and you are doing a terrific job! Thank you!
Well, that's enough or me...it's late and that seems to be my only quiet time these days...I'll try to write more sweetie. There is no reason why you should be deprived of month 27 too!
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