29 November 2007
Bah Bah White Sheep...
26 November 2007
How Sweet it is to be Loved by You....
So, I always tell your father that you are bored of me. What I mean by that is that we spend so much time together and I am not as exciting to you as I once was. So, when we play you are always off to something else, away from me. Or when we sit together and I hold your hand or rub your hair you say "no-no" over and over. You want your space from me, and that's OK.
25 November 2007
Smarty Pants
Sometimes you are so smart, it blows my mind. Other times you are such a little kook, it makes me giggle. The picture shows your goofy side, but let's focus on your brains for a moment. We all know you love your books, but the other night you pulled out your coloring book from the bookshelf and showed it to Daddy. You kept grunting something to him so he showed you the pictures in the book. You were trying to tell him something, but he didn't understand...so you picked yourself up, grabbed your coloring book, and walked out the room. He followed you out to the kitchen, where you stood pointing upwards at the counter and grunting like a little mad woman. You were clearly asking for something. Sure enough, way up high above your eye level was a box of crayons you had seen the day before (guilty- I did not clean the kitchen counter!). Wow, did you really put two and two together! Daddy was amazed. I nodded my head when he told me the story- I know you are capable of so much. :)
24 November 2007
The Baby in the Library Goes Bumpity-Bump...
Well, another bump on the head for you today my dear. You poor thing, you just keep falling! I think you get really excited and want to get to places faster than your little legs can get you there and you end up toppling over!
23 November 2007
21 November 2007
I Spy...
...the moon, owls, sheep... It's amazing how you find little details that I wouldn't have noticed at all if you didn't point them out. You also see pages in books or magazines and manage to find images on them I would have never seen. They always say to look at the world through the eyes of a child. I should try it more often because I would appreciate more and learn more. There's a lot I can learn from you my dear.
19 November 2007
Decoding Finley
17 November 2007
55 Minutes to Fun
Food Favorites...and not!
So, after all the hard effort and months of steaming, pureeing and mixing your homemade baby food you are now a big enough girl to make decisions about what you want to eat. Oh I certainly did my darnedest to set you down the right path! You are very clear when you like a particular food, as you excitedly sign "More" over and over again and chirp "Mo! Mo!" An example of that type of food would be any type of fruit. Fortunately for me, baked salmon also falls into that category, as does fresh avocado cubes.
Then there are the items there are no way you are going to touch, that you don't even want to try and taste and insist they get off your tray, NOW. Examples of that would be cheese, hard boiled egg, pasta and chicken breast or any red meat. You emphatically shake your head, sign "no" and say "no-no" over and over again. You sure know how to get your point across with limited language skills!
Then there are the fence sitters. Take for example garbanzo beans. You see them on the plate and you point and say "Bee, bee!" and I gather that means you want them! Yay! But after chewing it either for a few seconds or even minutes, it all decides to make a reappearance. How in the world do you manage to store it all in there while eating other food and still pull out beans from your mouth!! Amazing. Same goes with omelette's these days. In a not so ladylike way you stick your fingers in your mouth, pull out the offender and ever so gently put it in my hand. Oh how glamorous motherhood can be!!
If it were up to you...you would snack all day. I want so badly to set you down the right food path (and have even become a household joke in some places with my 'Finley Food Rules' - you know who you are :) but like I said, you are a big girl now, almost one and a half, and have developed your own taste and preferences. I'm happy though that we've avoided most salts and sugars for the most part, and I am even getting more relaxed about that, feeding you homemade banana bread where I only cut the sugar in half, rather than eliminate it completely, as I usually do! Anyhow, cheerios and organic cheese crackers and dried fruit would be your main staple if it were up to you! You could eat these it seems by the handful all day long if I let you.
In the meantime, I can say that you are healthy and happy and as well fed as I could manage at the moment. And that will just have to be good enough for me :)
15 November 2007
Toys, Toys & More Toys!
14 November 2007
Sneaky Stop/Start Swinger
13 November 2007
Where does this go?
12 November 2007
Before I was a Mom
Someone I know shared this today and it all rang so true I wanted to post this here before I forgot.
Before i was a mom i never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations. Before i was a mom - I had never been puked on...pooped on...chewed on...peed on . I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. I slept ALL night . Before i was a mom, I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests; or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin . I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep. Before i was a mom i never held a sleeping baby just because i didn't want to put them down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when i couldn't stop the hurt . I never knew something so small could affect my life so much. I never knew that i could love someone so much. I never knew i would love being a mom. Before i was a mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy. Before i was a mom- I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure they were okay. I had never felt the warmth , the joy, the love , the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a mom. I didn't know i was capable of feeling so much - BEFORE I WAS A MOM...
I'll add a few things that I never knew about 'before I was a mom'
I never knew that seeing you wrinkle up your nose and smile would make me giggle so much. I never knew that hearing you say your first real word "baby" would make me long for you to stay a baby forever. I never knew that hearing you sigh as you fall asleep would be the most wonderful sound on the planet. I never knew that hearing you say "Mama" in your sweet voice could make everything else go away. I never knew that feeling you rub my arm with your thumb, as you do when you are nervous, would make me feel so protective of you. I never knew that I could listen to the same lullaby CD over a thousand times and not go mad. I never knew how obsessed I would become over what was in your diaper. I never knew how much I would enjoy shopping for toys. I never knew that I would become master entertainer, puppeteer, dancer, storyteller and more. Well, I'm not a master at any of those, but in your eyes I am, and for that I am ever thankful of your teaching me all these things that I never knew.
11 November 2007
Monkey Times 2
Welcome to the wide world of Finley Blogging!
So the goal is to make this page about you, your father,and me, and our happy life of three! Of course, we shouldn't forget Maddie your sweet doggie...but I think she'll understand the title!
So here we go!