Today your Mimi and Grand Daddy Sam left after a whirlwind 3 day visit which not only included a trip to the largest tamale festival, and Wild Lights at the Living Desert...but it also included the official start to your Christmas. In fact, the start was so much like Christmas that I am almost thinking we are done with the holiday! Well...I know that won't fly around here, but it was worth a try! ;-)
06 December 2008
It's a Faux Christmas
01 December 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
I know it's been at least 2 weeks since I've posted. It's a busy time of year! We have your Mimi & Grand daddy Sam visiting us in a few it will be even busier!
14 November 2008
You're a potty star!
Last night I was out running some errands. I called Dad to ask him about something and he was just washing up your dinner dishes and prepping your bath. He walked into the bathroom to start the bath and there you were, undies on the ground, and pee pee in the potty! You looked up at him and said "Finley go pee pee potty!!" Indeed you did! How amazing are you?! You've been potty trained for about 4 months now, but never have you ever just gone to the potty all by yourself! Dad put the phone down and I heard a lot of cheering and laughing and singing and dancing. It was a good time had by all, and I am so happy I was lucky enough to call and share in that moment.
I didn't have a picture since I wasn't there, but I can just imagine your smile was about this big. :)
11 November 2008
How old are you exactly..?
I know every parent thinks their kid is some way or another! And usually, well, they're not.
09 November 2008
Oh my Goodness!
Halloween has come and gone and I haven't even posted about your tremendous evening! Well, I wasn't quite sure how it would go...but I imagined a scene much like this:

27 October 2008
26 October 2008
Is it seriously October 26??
Where oh where does the time fly? Not just on a day to day basis...but really, are you my two year old?
03 October 2008
Do not turn up your volume...
30 September 2008
SO much to catch up on! Post #3
29 September 2008
So much to catch up on! Post #2
SO much to catch up on! Post #1
Maybe to make this easier I'll make it into separate posts...going from a few weeks ago to now. This way when you are older and reading this you won't be over loaded with my ramblings....
15 September 2008
A little bit of mama...a little bit of dada...
10 September 2008
A Great Day at the Kids Museum, Cowboy!!
Yesterday morning you woke up and I had no idea what we should do for the day...temps are still in the 100s! So I gave you two choices, I said The Library and paused (to which you didn't react) and then The Kids Museum, to which you immediately smiled and said "KIDS MUSEUM!".
04 September 2008
We're back from Vacation!
Though I am not positive that will help much with my blogging hiatus! I'm trying Finley, I'm trying!
17 August 2008
Gearing up for our next vacation
10 August 2008
Where does the time go...
Is it seriously August 10th and last time I wrote was July 31? Shame on mummy! I know I was planning on writing more about our trip to Tacoma, yet so many fun things have happened in between! I'll stick to my original plan though and just always be a little behind!
31 July 2008
Back from a getaway!
I can't exactly call it a vacation, since there was little rest and relaxation, which is what is usually associated with vacations! But we sure had a great time! We went to Tacoma to see your Mimi and Grand Daddy Sam and family, and then to Vancouver, BC to a wedding and my friends and your Doda Talia!
19 July 2008
Well, I may as well make it official...
Because I guess you are officially on the potty train. Choo Choo baby! It's been a little over a week that you actively started using your potty and today we hit the 'piece de resistance' milestone. It was a beautiful moment.
13 July 2008
Letter Love
11 July 2008
Cheers to Good Friends
You've got a lot of good friends. I think that's one of the best things that happened since moving to the Desert while I was pregnant. See, had we stayed home in Jackson Hole, you might have had a few friends, since several of my friends there have kids about your age...but instead we moved to California, and it forced me to meet new people, new mothers specifically, to find support, friendship, and to keep us busy!! You never liked staying home...not as an infant, and not as a toddler either...
Turns out as luck would have it I not only made incredible friends, but so did you!! Most of your little friends are anywhere from a week to 3 months age difference with you. How crazy is that? You have quiet friends, and curious friends, you have smart friends and even a friend that you treat like a sibling (means you love her, but you guys get into fights. Yes, a 2 year old gets into tiffs with her buddies!). You basically have friends whom you feel good hanging with, and can learn things from, and show off in front of, and just be your plain kooky self; and they love you. It's pretty awesome.
Here are some photos from a little impromptu dance party you and your friends decided to have. Dad and I have a thing where for ten seconds every night, we have to DANCE! Like fools, to no music...but just get up out of our chairs at any random moment, and dance hard! Perhaps we'll do that with you every day. You are the dancing superstar in this family after all.
04 July 2008
The lost blogger...