I was a tomboy growing up. Well, not necessarily a tomboy, but I definitely wasn't girly. You, on the other hand, seem like a girly girl to me. It's nothing in particular that I've pushed on you or exposed you to, but you are attracted to shiny things and like to dress up on a regular basis in your bracelets and cocktail bag.
29 January 2008
What a Girly Girl!
27 January 2008
Sweet as pie
Just a little love note to you here. It's been a really rainy morning and I just wanted to tell you just how much I love and adore you and couldn't be more thankful that I am your mother.
You are so sweet that I just want to eat you up sometimes. Even though you are young and your personality is just developing, I can already tell that you are kind, loving and the life of a party. You sparkle when you are happy, you are 'convincing' when you're displeased, and you are an adorable angel when you are sleepy. You have energy and spirit that is so warm and infectious. Your smile is so pure.
I know you'll do so many good things in your life and I'm already so proud of you.
26 January 2008
Coming out of your shell
It's baby steps but we keep taking them, and I love it. The past few days we've been keeping busy and exposing you to new things, new people, and groups. The other day we went to the kids museum again and although while we were inside you wanted to stay up with me, when we went outside you opened up to making piles of balls again and walking well away from me to get them.
This morning we went to our new music class and although you had a tendency to sit in my lap most of the time, you did have some fabulous break out moments where you grooved to the music, hopped to the drum beat and swayed with the guitar. You danced with the silk scarves too and gave Benjamin some shakes. It was very sweet. I love to see you dance, it makes me grin. You've got the funniest moves and it always makes me laugh. (Just like your Dad's dancing...shhhh, don't tell him I said that, but you'll see when you're old enough to dance with him. I can already hear that "Daaaad! Stoooop, my friends are watching us!" in the preteen years :)
Sorry Honey (as in husband here-if you are reading this)- I love you, and your dancing, but that time will come. So will the "Mooooom, stop licking your finger and cleaning my face!" and so many other things I can already picture, and remember from my own youth...including the ever so annoying trying on a skirt in a store and coming out of the dressing room and Mother decides it's time to tuck in your shirt and does it by lifting your skirt up in front of everyone! Seriously Finley, if I ever do that, you have my permission to scold me or worse. I promise to you I will never do that, and now we have the materials to prove that I not only won't, but can't!! I don't want to take a scolding from my future 12 year old. But once again, I digress....
24 January 2008
The Wheels on the car go round and round...
We were in the car today, for HOURS! We left at 10am this morning and headed to Santa Monica for the LA Art Show. My great ol' gallery pals from back in Vancouver were exhibiting there and we needed to introduce you to them. Uncle Mark fell in love with you the moment he saw you. He even shed a few tears when we all hugged hello! It's been far too long since I've seen him (since the wedding reception in Tacoma!) and you've only heard him and his wife Lyn and little girl Ally on the phone. We also were so lucky to see Shane as well. It was so great to catch up, and for just a few hours be surrounded by hundreds of works of art. It gave me a little itch to get back to work. I do miss the gallery days, although don't you fret, this stay at home mama is not abandoning you for the gallery life just yet! We've still got so much more playing, laughing and discovering to do.
21 January 2008
No time to be depressed!
So I was told today by a friend that today, January 21st, is historically the most depressing day of the year. Why? Because supposedly by now most New Year's resolutions are broken. After hearing this I vowed to be extra happy today, just to make up for all the gloom and doom.
And I have plenty to be happy about. It seems you are coming out of your shell a little bit. Even if it's temporary, it's wonderful. Uncle Billy and Uncle Bobby have stayed with us the last few nights and you used to be terrified of them (new people, especially men, were never your favorite). Now you played with Billy and flirted with him when you woke up, and you asked for Bobby all day yesterday and even let him feed you this morning. This is BIG super goodness.
And to top off the goodness pie, last night we went to Bubby and Zayde's house for dinner. You were a true delight, showing off your signing skills to your cousin (second cousin to be exact) Sierra. It was the first time you've been around a young girl (she is 6) and you played beautifully with her. She took you to explore the house and danced with you and made you laugh and smile. I see no reason to be depressed at all!
20 January 2008
And you raaaan, you ran so far away.....
Yes, I know you can't see a lot of you in this picture...that's the point!! You actually felt comfortable enough to wander away from me! Pretty far too! I'm so proud of you, I feel like today was a major step in you feeling comfortable in groups of strangers, and me doing the right thing as a mum. Here's what happened:

18 January 2008
Just one of the boys...
Today we went on an all boy play date! That's a big change for you, since you usually hang out with all the little ladies. You always are more comfortable with girls it seems, and it's an amazing psychological study to watch how differently boys and girls play. Are we hardwired this way? Or do parents let boys "Be Boys" and girls "Be girls"? It's so strange!
17 January 2008
My Little Foodie...
Well, not quite. But today we did manage to take you out to TWO restaurants. That's practically more than you've been to in the last 6 months! Let's face it, I'm an anal mother who thinks your solid nutrition is very important, as is my peace of mind...and as such we've avoided restaurants. It's too stressful; we wait, you get antsy, we eat like madmen, barely even finishing a bite before taking the next so that we can trade off on feeding you duties. You think the water is a toy, and next thing we know you are practically taking a bath at the table, straws are to be found everywhere...well, the list goes on as to why we avoid restaurants!
15 January 2008
So nothing's wrong?
Apparently not. Here I was thinking something is wrong with you. Teething? Interrupted naps? ADD???? Bi-Polar Disorder???? You know how a mother's mind can go just about anywhere.... You're fussy, you say NO all the time, you throw fits, you have incredible mood swings from ecstatic to angry within a split second, you are clingy, you have no attention span. Well the list goes on! So I talk to my wonderful friend Emily who's daughter Abby is 3 months older than you. She looks me in the eye as I say "Do you think something is wrong with her???" and says "What you've got here Shari, is a TODDLER!"
13 January 2008
It's always been one of your favorite words. More this, more that...whatever it is, you want more of it. Food, dolls, TV, milk, water, leaves from a tree....anything you like, you want more of. It fits into your personality type...you do everything with gusto! The more, the better, in your mind I think. I guess I might be a little bit like that too. :)
12 January 2008
Mom's Night Out
I know this blog is supposed to be about you, not me (heaven forbid that I think of myself first!) but today I also wanted to post about some of my friends. And I guess that without you, I wouldn't have these friends...so there you go, this post technically is all about you. ;)
Regardless, the other night a few of my "Mommy" friends and I got together to bid adieu to our friend Megan who is moving to another state. I had such a nice time having dinner and being out after dark with such a wonderful group of women. I feel so lucky to have not only met women who are also mothers to young children like me (it's actually eerie how all of our kids are at most 3 months apart) so that we all can relate to what the other is going through, but they are all women that I've grown to love and have wonderful friendships with.
Amazingly, it's not always about the kids! It's also about us, and how we feel, as parents, or as people. It's about support, and trust, and help, and respect. And sometimes it's about politics, or religion, or husbands, or fashion. Mostly what it's about is real friendships. I am so lucky to have them, in a place and time in my life when I really didn't expect to have them. I figured moving to a new city with a new baby will be impossible to make new friends. I am so happy to be wrong on that front. I don't know what I would do without them.
And one day you too will have girlfriends, and true friendships. It would be so neat if it were with the children of these women :) But with whomever it is with, cherish your friendships and be good to them, and they will be good to you to.
You've been getting good at stacking your cups these days. I recall once several months ago watching a little girl who was a few months older than you stack these cups and I thought..."wow, that's incredible that an 18 month old can do that!!" Well, you still struggle with it a bit, but sure enough, you can do it! At first it freaked you out when they fall down, but once we attached the word 'timber' to the falling action, it's all fun and games!
It's amazing how the changes in you are daily. From one day to the next you can accomplish more, say more, and even try to trick me more. The other day Dad said to me "I'm scared of the day when she can outsmart me....because she's already starting to!" Supposedly at dinner time you pretend to sneak bites of chicken or whatever but really it's fruit.
Really though, all you have to do is flash that sweet smile of yours, and we are putty in your hands.
08 January 2008
Half Girl, Half Animal :)
You've always been obsessed with animals. It comes as no surprise that you managed to find some very buried away giraffe slippers that we have not seen in years and now part of after bath ritual is to wear them and try to walk to your room. Every two steps involves putting the slippers back on :) It's super cute.
07 January 2008
Knock Knock. Who's There? Who knows, but It's funny!!!
You and Abby were an absolute riot! I must have shot 40 photos of the two of you chatting away on an El Paseo bench. Abby was telling you stories and there was one joke that had you roaring in laughter! At least Emily & I perceived it to be a joke. You ladies were having a fun fun time! I could have stayed and watched the two of you chat like old ladies on a bench for hours.

I can just tell when I watch the two of you play how much you like one another and enjoy each other's company. The way Abby loves to share her food with you, and likes to feed you all the time. Or the way you let her take your rocks from your pile and not argue. And the way you smile when you hear her name, and blow her kisses or say Bye-Bye when we leave. It's a good thing to have such a good friendship.
06 January 2008
Where's the Rain?
It was supposed to rain this weekend. A lot. Especially for the desert. But we saw no rain. Lots of wind though today. I was surprised by how much you actually disliked it as we went out from the car and into the grocery store. You kept saying "No-No" and holding your ears. It was really howling so I guess the sound really bugged you. Plus your hair was all over the place :)
04 January 2008
Five Minutes with Daddy
When Good is Strange
Last night was weird. It was so weird because you were perfect. I know that sounds terrible...but you are a one and a half year old with quirks and one of those is you cry and fuss sometimes. Last night your dad and I felt some strange calm fill the house. I sure hope it isn't the calm before the storm!! Or did you know I blogged about your tantrum and you wanted to give the world a better impression of you? Or are you trying to get me back for writing about your tantrum, and proving to me that I am wrong?? making me eat my words?
03 January 2008
Hugs...and Arghs!
You love to hug your dolls. You get the sweetest look on your face when you give a hug. It's this look of pure love and happiness that makes my heart melt.
But, you certainly seem to be the little Gemini that you are...the twin sign who can be an angel and devil at the same time...
You can go from HUGS to....ARGHS in zero seconds flat....
We welcomed in the new year with your first ever true meltdown. Argh. You've been pretty clingy lately, and wanting "Up" a lot. I am trying to teach you that you can't always have "Up." Oh boy, did you want "Up." You screamed and cried for at least 10 or 15 minutes. I tried every technique I knew, including Karp's caveman techniques, to no avail! Tears streaming down your face, red blotches everywhere and your body flailing on the ground. It worries me that you'll hurt yourself, especially on the tile and when you try to bang your head. I took you in my arms but stayed on the ground with you, so that you wouldn't hurt yourself. You wanted nothing to do with me, but you still, just wanted "Up." You finally ran to your dad who was trying to distract you in the playroom. It was not any of our finest moments...but I'm sure we'll get lots of practice. Practice makes perfect, right? Argh...