29 February 2008
Flowers For Mummy
We had a great day. The weather was gorgeous and sunny and your dad and I felt really out of shape walking back up to the tram after walking in the snow for two hours! You got super tired, and actually managed to fall asleep while bouncing around in the backpack! It was so funny!
26 February 2008
A Quick Visit with Mimi
23 February 2008
Another Trip to the Zoo

21 February 2008
We have a Virus and Bacteria :(
Well, sorry for not writing for a while, this will be short. Aside from you having a sinus infection and an ear infection (your first ever), plus me having a sinus infection, we also have a virus, computer virus that is! Everytime I want to write on your blog I get booted off. We'll figure it out soon enough, but in the meantime just wanted to post you a little note to thank you for being such a champ while you are sick. It's been over two weeks of sickipoo, which also means we haven't been on a playdate in that long, and I thought we would both be going stir crazy by now..but to be quite honest we are not only in good spirits despite being sick, but we're also having a lot of fun...even if most of it is at home!
17 February 2008
Lunching like a big girl
Today we never left the house except to go in the backyard and a short walk. We're on sick day number who knows what (feels like forever!) and we actually had a pretty enjoyable morning and afternoon!
We spent much of the morning in the backyard playing with the water and rocks. I even got to do a little bit of rearranging on the back deck to make it more Finley friendly, which was nice.
You wanted to eat and I told you we would have to go inside to your highchair, but instead you pointed at the deck chair and told me you wanted to eat there. Then you pointed to the chair next to it and told me that I would sit there. So...off I went and got your lunch and there you have it...your first real meal sans high chair (and not in my lap or in a park etc). You loved it and so did I.
I learned something very important about you today...you are a girl of conviction!! I took your diaper off this morning to give you a little 'breathing' time and decided since we weren't leaving the house all day to just leave you like that. I kept asking if you needed to go potty every time you squirmed and you said no. You were right, you didn't. You didn't after your milk, or after breakfast, or after water, or a snack, or lunch, or more water. Huh!!!??? Five hours passed, and you never peed. Not once. Heck, we were playing WITH water all morning and the pool in the backyard had the spa spillover on and all we could hear was the sound of a water fall...but nope, nothing! Can't say the same for mummy!
Finally I realized that you must be afraid to do it without your diaper on...so I put on a diaper, and sure enough, within a few minutes I changed you into a clean one. Wow, who knew a one and a half year old could hold it!!?? I sure could have used that iron bladder when I was pregnant with you! ;-) (Am I allowed to write this stuff on my own blog?) :)
15 February 2008
Direct Line to Abby
There's a lot of Abby Love going on in this house. Abby is one of your best gal pals, an adorable 23 month old who always makes you smile. The new ritual these days is you ask to call her on your pretend cell phone every night before bed (and often before naps as well). You'll yell out "Amby!!!" and point to the phone and insist I call her, stat.
It's not ok for me to just call and say "Hi Abby, Finley wants to say Lilah Tov (good night)...no no no....we need to tell her about our day, and what we ate, and where we went, and we need to do all that, even if you two spent the day together!
And it doesn't end there. When my neck finally starts killing me from reading a book and craning my neck to keep Abby on the phone (that's right, if I put the phone down you freak out and yell "Amby!!!!" all over again) I then tell you Abby went Lilah Tov. You wave goodbye to her and then say "Emellay!!!", who is my dear friend Emily, Abby's mum (well, I guess she's her Mom, not Mum ;) Anyhow, we then continue the conversation with 'Emellay' until she too, miraculously goes Lilah Tov.
You'd think it would end there, right? Nuh-uh. You guessed it...you now ask for "Ryruu!!!" being Ryan, Abby's Daddy. I cannot believe it, it's so funny! So I spend the entire evening with a crick in my neck, reading you books, and reading their whole Abby family books as well.
When Dad puts you to bed (which is most nights, except lately while you are sick and insist on being a Mama's Girl) he must do the same routine. He and Ryan occasionally speak guy talk...but I think for the most part it's "Abby, did you see how pretty Finley's hair looked today?" and "Abby, did you see the giraffes at the zoo?" and "Ryan, aren't our girls just so adorable?"
OK, maybe the last one he didn't say...I'm embellishing. :) But I wanted to document this adorable (yet slightly painful) new routine of yours. What I think is so sweet about it is just how much you are able to show your love for others.
14 February 2008
Happy Valentines Day
I'm glad I got this picture of you today...because the heart shirt didn't last long between the huge amounts of teething drool coupled with the throw up of the day (day two) :( Yup, you are sick...again! But we still got some good love in and danced together and read books and snuggled. Amidst that there was a lot of nose and chin wiping, and trying to unstick your hair from your face. Pretty picture, eh? But it was all done with love. :)
12 February 2008
Having a Ball
Yesterday after music class we went to the park to meet with a friend who was in town from Orange County. She turned it into an awesome Valentines playdate and had balls for each of the kids to play with. Most of the kids were playing on the slides etc for at least an hour, while you sat on my lap and ate lunch.
But then all of a sudden, you took an interest in the balls, that were there the entire time...and went nutty chasing and kicking them and throwing it to me! You couldn't get enough of it! Your wicked little giggle came out full force (lately you've had this crazy giggle that is really low and long and sounds a teeny weeny bit evil!!) Haha....it cracks me up! You had the same giggle in class when we danced and you had the other ladies laughing too!
Anyhow, after the playdate and nap you saw the ball in the house and got all excited again and played again and again with it. Lots of fun. I actually didn't think you would be into it...but you surprised me!
11 February 2008
Get on Board (Choo! Choo!) the Potty Train!!
Well, this picture sure looks successful, but to be truthful, you have never ever peed in your potty to date! I recently bought a Potty Training kit by Baby Signs since you love to sign, and thought that might be a fun way to incorporate potty training into our lives. We're not technically potty training, but potty familiarizing at this point.
The kit came with a video teaching signs for Potty (you are doing the sign in the picture) and other helpful signs, and a catchy little song that includes the line "If you want to wear a pair of big kid underwear, get on board (choo choo) the potty train! If you want to learn to pee on the potty just like me, get on board (choo choo) the potty train!!" You get the drift. I only type it all out because I haven't gotten the song out of my head for days!!
Anyhow, I know you have no idea when you are peeing, or wet or whatever, so I thought to just have you enjoy the time and have interest in your new potty. You don't seem to mind it, but you certainly have no idea what it's for...considering you stood up after sitting on the thing for ten minutes, and then peed standing up a few feet from the potty! And you didn't even notice! It was funny. This will be a loooong process! But that's fine...we've got plenty of time!
You have been enjoying though playing without a diaper on...which makes my heart rate rocket so I'll have to figure out how to incorporate your new found love of going au naturel with the beige carpets and persian rugs! I think it's so healthy for you, so I certainly want to encourage it. It would suck having to wear a diaper all day and night long...especially when you have such sensitive skin, as you do.
Anyhow, this is probably TMI (Too Much Information) for you, but one day when I am an old lady you'll be talking about buying me diapers and you'll see that I did it for you and it's your child responsibility to your crazy old mama. What goes around comes around...let's hope you have hardwood floors when you have to take care of me!! ;-)
10 February 2008
Music to my ears...
We started taking Music Classes! Since you love to dance and groove at home I thought this might be something fun for us to do on Saturdays while Dad is working. The good thing about this class is you can sit on my lap the whole time and it doesn't feel like we are throwing away our money like it did when we went to My Gym (because sitting on my lap at My Gym is counter productive to the class experience, whereas in this class it's set up that way). So far you seem to like it!
07 February 2008
A little Chuck and a little Cheese makes Finley a Happy Girl!
Today we went to Chuck E Cheese with some friends. You would think the main attraction is not the pizza (it shouldn't be), nor the big screen TV, nor the creepy giant mouse spinning vinyl (or so I imagine-oh, I can just imagine you reading this in 15 years saying "Mum, what is VINYL???"). But once again, I digress...
You would think the main attraction is what they make all their money on...the GAMES! There's a ton of them, geared for all ages, including a carousel ride, and cars, and ducks, and frogs, trains etc! Wow, don't they look like fun!!
Nope, all you wanted to do was watch the giant mouse. And hold a lemon. you did put down your lemon for a brief moment or two to clap for the big mouse. What's a mum to do but join in? :)

Another new outfit!
I bought a new shirt a few days ago. I guess you get to wear it before I do! I always thought that would happen one day, but in like 12 years from now!! Your dress up play is definitely coming out. By the time you are two I just may have to make my first real visit to (gasp) the Disney Store. Sigh, I'm just not ready.
04 February 2008
An afternoon with Daddy
Well my oh my, it's not a Choking Hazard!
I remember when you got these Little People. You got it from Grandaddy Sam for your first birthday. I was terrified. Could you get one of these little gals in your mouth and choke?? Dad even named the ladies. There is Mrs. Johanssen (who is in your left hand), The Pilot (yes, that's her name, and that is her in your mouth) and the third lady, the touristy looking one carrying a cell phone, whose name escapes me at the moment.
02 February 2008
We now welcome the slide into our world!
What a terrific thing! You've loved playing at the park for months now, but you shy away from almost all the park playsets other than the swing and occasionally the rocking toys. I'm not sure if it's the climbing part that intimidates you, or the fact that all the other kids are on it, or what...but something about it makes you nervous, so I don't push it.
Well, you've got the sickipoo. It's your first cold of the season, and it's been dubbed Snot Fest 2008 by dear Emily (Abby is sick as well). In fact, it is so snotty that I devised a llittle trick to keep your hair off your face. I got you to wear this headband (which again, you love and Say "Pretty" when you see your reflection) because you have long bangs, and long story short is snot plus hair equals glue. Basically your bangs were glued to your cheeks all day from getting stuck in your, well, I'll say it again, snot! So headband it is! You look so grown up in it...like my little 10 year old! Well, not quite, but you sure look older than your 20 months! (Hmm, I can barely believe you are 20 months!).
My little Martha Stewart
(I'm a bit behind on posting to the blog so I'll be doing several today.)
I wonder, when you are an adult reading back on this, will you know who Martha Stewart is? Will it be like so passe to talk about Martha Stewart? Wait, it might already be, heck, it's 2008!!
Two days ago you decided that the furniture needed rearranging! It was so funny, because you typically aren't so bold in your decision making...but you were determined to get the chairs from your coloring table in the kitchen area to your room! Pronto! You hoisted them in the air and pushed them along the back hallway to your room. When you got them just to the right spot, you exclaimed "WOW!" and seemed satisfied. You then accessorized by adding some toys on top of each chair. "WOW!"
And add to that girliness...
The other day when I tried to get you dressed you refused absolutely everything in your closet. Nothing seemed quite good enough to you (and let me tell you babe, you have a beautiful wardrobe!) but I pulled out this black onesie with faux pearls printed on it and your eyes absolutely sparkled! You imediately bobbed your head up and down saying "YES!" So cute! The funny thing is, I bought the onesie in San Fransisco last summer and it was supposed to be for under your flapper Halloween costume in case the weather was cold. But is was so hot this past October there was no way you were going to wear it under your costume (which, by the way was a huge hit...I'll post a picture of it here since I started your blog well past Halloween).